Nuclear Facilities Support
Nuclear Facilities Support
NUMARK serves as a technical and policy consultant to public and private operators of nuclear facilities. We provide technical analyses and assessments of safety and environmental operations, and point the way to approaches for meeting challenges such as nuclear fuel management, plant design and operation, licensing, safe decommissioning and decontamination of facilities and environmental remediation.
Technical and Management Support
NUMARK staff understand the design, operation, management and safety aspects of nuclear facilities. Our senior staff, former high level government and industry executives, are available for mentoring of facility managers.
Government Nuclear Operations
NUMARK offers to government-operated nuclear facilities the same technical consulting excellence valued by the NRC and other regulatory bodies. Working directly for government agencies or teamed with their prime contractors, NUMARK offers research and analyses that enable facilities to institute best practices for waste management, dismantling and environmental clean-up.
Utility Services
NUMARK can support utilities’ strategic planning, marketing and business transactions. We also offer research and advice on issues such as supply chain challenges, advanced fuel technologies, process improvement and configuration management.
Reducing Nuclear Risks to the Environment
NUMARK can support environmental remediation projects that involve high-hazard nuclear materials, including disposition of fissile materials, nuclear materials management and nuclear waste management projects. We use our considerable technical knowledge of nuclear materials to guide clients in meeting their particular objectives.