NRC Selects NUMARK to Support NRC Review of NuScale Topical Reports

September 16, 2022 - The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) has contracted with NUMARK to provide technical assistance to the NRC staff review of the NuScale Power, LLC revised loss-of-coolant accident (LOCA), non-LOCA, and long-term cooling (LTC) topical reports (TR).

NUMARK supported the NRC staff review of NuScale’s original LOCA topical report. NuScale has revised the reports based on design changes to support a future Standard Design Approval (SDA) application.  These TRs describe the methodology, evaluation models, and computer codes used by NuScale to evaluate the LOCA, non-LOCA, and LTC transients.

NUMARK will support the NRC audit of the NuScale submittals, and the preparation of Technical Evaluation Reports (TERs) based on the review of these NuScale TRs. NUMARK will prepare draft requests for additional information and assist the NRC staff in the review of the NuScale responses. NUMARK will also support NRC staff meetings with the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards (ACRS).

NUMARK, founded in 1991, has provided technical support services to NRC since 2007. Besides its work for NRC, NUMARK supports public and private sector clients in the United States and around the world in the areas of nuclear safety, international development, environmental protection, and sustainable energy strategies.