
Selected Publications

Brian K. Grimes, “Third-Party NPP Oversight Options for Newcomer Countries,” ANS Winter Meeting & Expo, Phoenix, AZ, November 2022.

Carl Mazzola, “Review of Tornado Parameters for Temelin NPP,” U.S. Department of Energy, Natural Phenomena Hazards Meeting, Bethesda, MD, October 19, 2022.

Updates and Improvements to Fracture Analysis of Vessels – Oak Ridge (FAVOR) Computer Code, multiple documents published by US Nuclear Regulatory Commission, June 2021 to April 2022.

Evaluation of the Potential Safety Significance of Shallow Flaws in Reactor Pressure Vessels During Normal Plant Cooldowns, multiple documents published by US Nuclear Regulatory Commission, December 2021.

High Temperature & Advanced Non-Light Water Reactor Materials, Review and Analysis of ASME Code and Operating Experience: Multiple publications, 2019-2021.

Regulatory Capacity Building and the Role of TSO’s in Emergent Nuclear Countries,” NEI-Pillsbury Seminar: Hot Button Issues in International Nuclear Trade and Investment, Washington, DC, November 17, 2014.

Rodrigo Chaparro, “Mitigation Initiatives and the Japanese Joint Credit Mechanism in Latin America,” Outreach, published by Stakeholder Forum, a  multi-stakeholder magazine on climate change and sustainable development, December 1, 2014.

Research, Development And Innovation (R&D+I) Roadmap for Second and Third Generation Biofuels In Colombia. Report prepared for COLCIENCIAS and the IDB.  Available via the MME website. The Executive summary in English is also available.

Martin L. Bowling and Neil J. Numark, "TSO Support to Safety Authorities in Emergent Nuclear Countries," Canadian Nuclear Society 2013, Toronto, Canada, June 11, 2013.

Joint Credit Mechanism (JCM)/ Bilateral Offset Credit Mechanism (BOCM) Feasibility Study: Geothermal Power Generation in a Country with Suppressed Demand.  2012. Available via the Global Environmental Center - Japan website.

New Mechanism Feasibility Study for Renewable Energy Development Focusing on Geothermal Power Generation in Colombia. 2011. Available via the Global Environmental Center - Japan website.

Report prepared for the Inter-American Development Bank and the Colombian Ministry of Mines and Energy, “Sustainable Energy and Biofuel Strategies for Colombia,” November 2010. Available via the MME website.

Report prepared for Japan’s New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO), “Report on the November 2008 Meeting of the U.S. Department of Energy’s Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technical Advisory Committee,” November 2008.  Available via the NEDO website.

Report prepared for Japan’s New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO), “Summary of Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Activities of U.S. National Laboratories,” July 2008.

Report prepared for Japan’s New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO), “Summary of the 2008 DOE Hydrogen Program Merit Review: Plenary Session," June 2008. Available via the NEDO website.

Neil J. Numark, “The Potential for Nuclear Energy in Developing Nations,” International Energy Conference & Exhibition (IECE): SUSTAINABILITY: ENERGY FOR DEVELOPING NATIONS, Daegu, Korea, February 27, 2007.

Rodrigo Chaparro, "DNA structure and CDM project approval process in five Latin American Countries: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Mexico, and Peru," CDM Investment Newsletter, May 2006. The full edition of the Newsletter is available via the CBNet website.

Jonathan Levy, Michael Philips, Chella Rajan, and John Stutz, "Peer Review of the Alachua County Environmental Protection Advisory Committee's 9/15/2005 Report: Review of the Gainesville Regional Utilities' Proposal for a New Coal-Fired Power Plant," Report prepared for the Alachua County Environmental Protection Department, December 2005.

Sanne B. Jacobsen, Neil J. Numark, and Paloma Sarria, "A Changing U.S. Climate," Public Utilities Fortnightly, February 2005.

Marcus D. King, Paloma Sarria, Daniel J. Moss and Neil J. Numark, "U.S. Business Actions to Address Climate Change: Case Studies of Five Industry Sectors," GreenBiz, November 2004.

Marcus D. King, Daniel J. Moss, Neil J. Numark, and Paloma Sarria, "Bush & Kerry: Competing Visions for U.S. Energy Policy," Energy Review (Japan), November 2004.

Shigenobu Hirusawa, Seishi Torikai, Neil J. Numark and Daniel Moss, "Evolution and Major Turning Points of HLW Disposal Policy in Several Countries," presentation to the Pacific Basin Nuclear Conference, Honolulu, HI, March 23, 2004.

Neil J. Numark and Michael O. Terry, "New Nuclear Construction: Still On Hold," Public Utilities Fortnightly, Volume 141, No. 22, December 2003, Pages 32-38.

Neil J. Numark and Michael O. Terry, "Is a Second Coming Nigh?," Nuclear Engineering International, Volume 48, No. 591, October 2003, Pages 38-40.

Report prepared for Japan’s New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization “Development of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading Within the United States,” March 2003.

Neil J. Numark and Robert P. Grant, "Impact of Electricity Deregulation on the U.S. Nuclear Industry," Presentation to the Global Foundation Annual Conference,Competition in Electricity Markets: Deregulation, the Environment and Security of Supply, London, December 4, 2001 (document in Adobe Acrobat format; click here for attached slides).

Neil J. Numark and Robert D. MacDougall, "Nuclear Power in Deregulated Markets: Performance to Date and Prospects for the Future." (Abstract of article. Complete work published in 14 TUL. ENVTL. L.J. 2 (2001), Copyright, Tulane Environmental Law Journal. All rights reserved.)

Neil J. Numark, "The U.S. Nuclear Industry's Current Status and Prospects Under Electricity Deregulation," presentation to the 34th JAIF Annual Conference, Aomori City, Japan, April 27, 2001.

Robert D. MacDougall, "U.S. Nuclear Power - Can Competition Give It Renewed Life?" Nuclear Engineering International, Volume 44, No. 539, June 1999, pages 34-37.

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