Nuclear Regulatory and Research Services

Nuclear Regulatory and Research Services

In a technically sophisticated field, NUMARK is valued for its expertise in the engineering and sciences behind nuclear regulation, and for its analysis of nuclear energy policy developments, with a focus on the impacts on new nuclear technology implementations. NUMARK offers its clients nuclear regulatory and research services, including environmental services to support regulatory review decisions that directly impact the quality of the environment. For a detailed overview of our nuclear regulatory support capabilities, please click here.

Technical Reviews for Government Oversight Agencies

NUMARK provides technical support to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), the independent federal agency responsible for regulating U.S. commercial nuclear power plants and other uses of nuclear materials, as well as other international regulatory agencies.   Since 2007 NUMARK has served as a  Technical Support Organization (TSO) for NRC’s former Office of New Reactors (NRO); Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR); Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research (RES); and Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards (NMSS). For examples of our work on behalf of NRC, please see NUMARK Award Announcements.

To support the NRC in new reactor licensing efforts and other activities, NUMARK has assembled a team of experts with extensive experience and demonstrated strengths in the licensing of numerous nuclear power plants worldwide.

Since 2011 NUMARK  has servved as a nuclear safety TSO providing extensive technical support   to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) Federal Authority for Nuclear Regulation (FANR). This has included technical and regulatory reviews of the construction license and operating license applications for the Barakah Nuclear Power Plant; oversight support and training services to FANR during the Barakah plant construction period; and, since 2020, support to FANR’s oversight of the operating Barakah NPP units, including inspection support; licensee performance assessment; review of licensee PRA Update; and in-depth technical and regulatory review of the licensee’s proposed change in their design and licensing analysis methodologies (see Support to FANR Oversight)

Guidance for Emerging and Existing Regulatory Frameworks

Leveraging our extensive experience, NUMARK is also prepared to provide nuclear regulatory services to countries developing regulatory processes, as well as those seeking to streamline or recalibrate existing ones for the new advanced small modular reactors (SMRs). NUMARK personnel with backgrounds at the NRC and throughout the U.S. nuclear industry bring a thorough understanding of the evolution of relevant U.S. regulations and advise clients on adapting U.S. regulatory practices to support their needs.

NUMARK has assisted the NRC and UAE FANR in the development or revision of  Regulatory Guides, and has provided extensive training to both NRC and FANR staff in a number of disciplines. For example, NUMARK has provided the U.S. NRC with an Electrical and I&C Codes and Inspection course, and has provided FANR with training on inspection fundamentals, Safety Analysis Reports, APR1400 operations, inspector qualification, and regulatory oversight of operations. NUMARK developed all training courses based on the industry-standard systematic approach to training (SAT) process.

A Resource for Industry

NUMARK supports industry clients in the analysis of regulatory requirements and the investigation of nuclear industry practices in the U.S. and abroad. Topics we have addressed have included, for example, the evolution of risk-informed regulation and the NRC Reactor Oversight Process; online maintenance; the roles of standards organizations; the third-party inspection system; post-9/11 nuclear plant security; thermal discharge requirements; and waste management regulations.

NUMARK is also prepared to provide expert assistance for SMR licensing. This includes assistance to non-light-water reactor designer-developers in the evaluation of their plant designs against national nuclear regulators’ risk-informed and performance-based licensing frameworks and the regulatory requirements and guidance applicable to SMRs.  NUMARK can assist in the planning, preparation and review of SMR pre-licensing and licensing application documents, assessment of research and development needed to support the SMR safety case and SMR license application planning and project management.

Nuclear Regulatory 02

First Word on Policy Developments

U.S. executive, legislative and regulatory actions on commercial nuclear energy issues affect industry and public decision-makers the world over. From major legislative issues facing the Administration and Congress to small details under review by regulators, our experts help clients prepare for the ever-changing political and technical landscape of nuclear energy. We keep clients worldwide current on what is happening now, what lies ahead, and why.


Advancing Clean Safe Energy


NUMARK Associates, Inc.
7200 Wisconsin Ave, Suite 500
Bethesda, MD 20814

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