Nuclear Safety and Environmental Impact Specialists

NUMARK Associates is accepting applications on an on-going basis from highly experienced candidates to fill full- and part-time nuclear safety and environmental impact related positions as they arise. As a Nuclear Safety or Environmental Impact Specialist, you would join our team in providing technical support to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission as well as other government agencies and private sector clients in the United States and abroad.  Prospective future work is expected to involve the licensing review of new reactors including advanced small modular reactors, as well as factory fabrication and nuclear power plant inspection services. 

We seek specialists with a minimum of 7 years of nuclear power/safety-related experience, and in all nuclear power/safety-related disciplines, including:

  • Reactor Fuels, Materials and Nuclear Analysis
  • Transient, Accident and Consequence Analysis  
  • Engineering (Mechanical, Structural, Civil, Seismic, Electrical, Chemical, Digital I&C, Geotechnical)
  • Modular and Component Manufacture; Facility Construction
  • Fire Protection, Chemistry, Materials Sciences, Materials Testing and Inspection
  • Environmental Sciences (Seismology, Hydrology, Ecology, Geology, Land Use) and Environmental Assessments
  • Emergency Preparedness
  • Project Management/Systems Engineering
  • Health Physics
  • Operations and Maintenance, Regulatory Compliance, Quality Assurance Systems
  • Risk Assessment and Risk-Informed Licensing
  • Training/Knowledge Transfer

Work locations include our downtown Washington, DC office as well as offsite locations. We welcome candidates bringing experience from the nuclear industry, government, national laboratories, universities and elsewhere, and ready to dedicate themselves to providing technical services in a regulatory support environment.

Please submit a letter outlining your experience and interests along with a current resume to You may contact us for further information.

Numark Associates, Inc. is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

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Advancing Clean, Safe Energy Technology


NUMARK Associates, Inc.
7200 Wisconsin Ave, Suite 500
Bethesda, MD 20814

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NUMARK Associates, Inc. 7200 Wisconsin Ave, Suite 500
Bethesda, MD 20814

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