NUMARK Supports US Nuclear Regulatory Commission Development of Advanced Non-Light Water  Reactor Regulations

September 27, 2017 -- NUMARK Associates, Inc. is pleased to announce its selection by the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) to provide technical assistance in support of NRC research regarding materials for Advanced Non-Light Water Reactors (ANLWRs). The award was the result of a competitive solicitation.

The contract has a 15-month duration. NUMARK is tasked with gathering worldwide operating experience data for ANLWR designs under consideration for future deployment in the US; identifying gaps in Consensus Codes and Standards; and identifying computational capability gaps. NUMARK will be performing the work with the support of subcontractor Engineering Mechanics Corporation of Columbus.

NUMARK, founded in 1991, has provided technical support services to NRC since 2007. Besides its work for NRC, NUMARK supports public and private sector clients in the US and around the world in the areas of nuclear safety, environmental protection, and sustainable energy strategies.